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Saturday 06 June 1998 (Evening Edition)  Front Page Next

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ENGLAND bad boy Teddy Sheringham has publicly apologised for the nightclub antics that gave England's critics more ammunition to fire at Glenn Hoddle's squad.

Just days after the furore surrounding Paul Gascoigne's exclusion from the final 22, Sheringham ignored instructions that the players should spend a few days relaxing with their families by jetting off to Portugal for a beerfest with his mates.

He was alleged to have been clubbing until 7am and was pictured in the papers drinking, chatting up a 20-year-old blonde, and seemingly smoking a cigarette. Those lurid shots infuriated and undermined Hoddle, and there were calls for the Manchester United striker to suffer the Gazza treatment and be dumped from the squad. He has escaped that ultimate punishment, although possibly only because the FIFA deadline has passed for countries to change their nominated 22 names for any reason other then injury. So Sheringham will be in France, but Hoddle has made it clear that any further misbehaviour when he considers his players to be on England duty - as he did during this week's three day break - will leave the player in hot water.


Sheringham knows he was wrong and faced the cameras at England's headquarters at Bisham Abbey on Saturday to apologise. He said: "I'd like to make a short statement following the stories about me that have appeared in various newspapers over the past 48 hours. I want to apologise for the problems my actions have caused to my teammates, to the England coach and his staff, to my parents and to my son. I'd also like to apologise for not taking Glenn Hoddle's advice in every detail on how I acted over the period I was in Portugal.

''I accept there was a lack of professionalism by me in not realising how my actions were likely to be interpreted. I've been proud to be a professional footballer for 15 years. I've played 33 times for England and been very proud to do so. I care about what I do and I want to continue playing for England. I have explained what happened in Portugal to Glenn Hoddle. I now want to put this matter behind me, and the England team, as quickly as possible. I intend to learn from the experience.''

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